10 Jun 13 - 10:15
A new study, released by WWF for World Oceans Day
The waters around the British Isles are home to one of the highest numbers of shipping accidents in the world, according to a new study released by WWF for World Oceans Day (8th June).
The busy shipping lanes around the British Isles, North Sea and Bay of Biscay had the fourth largest number of shipping accidents in the world, with 135 reported incidents between 1999 and 2011 including fires, collisions and leakage of toxic waste. The North Sea is one of the most intensively sailed seas in the world with over 120,000 ship movements taking place there every year.
The South China Sea and East Indies, east Mediterranean and Black Sea, were also found to be dangerous hotspots for accidents involving ships.
The South China Sea and East Indies, east Mediterranean and Black Sea, were also found to be dangerous hotspots for accidents involving ships.
Since 1999 there have been 293 shipping accidents in the South China Sea and East Indies, home of the Coral Triangle and 76 per cent of the world's coral species. As recently as April this year a Chinese fishing boat has run aground on a protected coral reef in the Philippines that had already been damaged by a US Navy ship in January.
Image credit: WWF
Fishing vessels accounted for nearly a quarter of the vessels lost at sea but general cargo ships account for over 40 per cent. Cargo ships often operate short shipping routes, associated with the tramp trading where ships don't have a set route and pick up opportunistic trade, particularly in Southeast Asia.
The risk to the environment is directly linked to the type and amount of hazardous substances, including oil, being transported and the sensitivity of the marine area where any accident could occur. In 2002, the Prestige oil tanker sunk resulting in over 70,000 tonnes of oil being released into the Atlantic Ocean off the Spanish coast.
The risk to the environment is directly linked to the type and amount of hazardous substances, including oil, being transported and the sensitivity of the marine area where any accident could occur. In 2002, the Prestige oil tanker sunk resulting in over 70,000 tonnes of oil being released into the Atlantic Ocean off the Spanish coast.
Climate change models show increased storm surges, changing wind and wave patterns and extreme weather events which are likely to exacerbate the risks of foundering leading to potential catastrophic environmental destruction. Fifty per cent of all accidents are caused by foundering, where a boat sinks due to rough weather, leaks or breaking in two.
As the global fleet continues to expand rapidly and begins to operate routinely in more risky areas the probability of accidents and likely severity of impacts will again increase unless precautionary measures are put in place to address identifiable risk factors.
As the global fleet continues to expand rapidly and begins to operate routinely in more risky areas the probability of accidents and likely severity of impacts will again increase unless precautionary measures are put in place to address identifiable risk factors.
You may view Report Summary by clicking here
To learn more about marine conservation and how you can help, visit the websites of environmental groups Greenpeace, the WWFand the Nature Conservancy.
Source: WWF