Thursday, September 26, 2013

Intercargo: Number of bulker incidents 'unacceptably high'

26 Sep 13 - 11:01

Intercargo published Benchmarking Bulk Carriers 2012-13 Report

Intercargo Benchmarking Bulk Carriers 2012-2013 ReportThe International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (Intercargo) launched Benchmarking Bulk Carriers 2012-13, the latest edition of our annual publication. Now in its seventh year of publication, this edition contains statistical information and analysis relating to the world bulk carrier fleet, including an analysis of casualties during 2012 and Negative Performance Indicators such as collisions, groundings etc. This year's Report also highlights the tailing-off of fleet growth.
For the first time, this edition also includes a copy of the Intercargo 'terminal-problem reporting form'; The form, which invites Intercargo members and non-members alike to share their experiences of ports globally, has been designed and produced with the specific intention of helping Intercargo build an accurate picture of problems experienced by masters of bulk carriers during port calls.
"This year's report reveals that the number of ships lost during 2012 significantly decreased when compared with 2011" said Rob Lomas, Intercargo Secretary General. He cautioned however, "even though no loss of life was recorded in the three ship casualties during 2012, the number of other serious incidents involving bulk carriers remains unacceptably high with 12 seafarers killed during the year. This highlights the continued importance for flag states to conduct proper casualty investigations - the subject of an Intercargo paper to IMO, which together with the formation of an Intercargo casualty correspondence group, establishes a platform for further dialogue on safety issues".

Key findings in Benchmarking Bulk Carriers 2012-13 Report

• Intercargo entered ships continue to outperform industry averages.
• The average age of the global bulk carrier fleet dropped to around 9 years¬ - the lowest in recent times and demonstration of continued high scrapping rates, especially in certain sizes of bulk carrier.
• Number of casualties fell in 2012, but 'cargo' related casualties continue to cause great concern to our industry.
• Port State Control: The overall total number of bulk carriers detained remains similar to previous years but recently ships are more likely to be detained with fewer deficiencies. The most common deficiencies recorded relate to fire safety, life-saving appliances, safety of navigation and ISM.
•New PSC challenges will arise from the entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention and from amendments and enforcement of MARPOL rules at national and international levels.
Updates to this report will be posted on the Intercargo website.