28 Nov 13 - 12:51
Report Fleckenstein on the Port Services Regulation
TRAN Committee has voted the Fidanza report on the Commission proposal
for a Directive on the Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure.
The plenary vote of the Fidanza report is due to take place in February
2014. The Transport Committee gave a mandate to the Rapporteur to start
negotiations with the Council with a view to reaching a final agreement
in spring 2014.
The Rapporteur, Knut Fleckenstein (S&D - Germany)
presented the draft report on the Port Services Regulation to the
Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Committee of the European Parliament.
He proposed to adapt the provisions on the independent supervisory body
and on transparency of charges. He defended the autonomy of ports in
setting their own charges. These should not be longer be set by
Moreover, he stressed the link with the upcoming state aid guidelines
and the concession directive. His report aims at avoiding red tape and
a one-size-fits-all approach.
Many MEPs expressed their satisfaction with Fleckenstein draft report
even if there are still concerns regarding different aspects of the
proposal. The deadline for amendments is 3 December 2013 whereas the
vote in the TRAN committee is scheduled on 11 February 2014.
Source: ESPO