28 Feb 14 - 15:19
Reeds 21st Century Ship Management
Reeds 21st Century Ship Managementaddresses the key areas where ship managers must be both knowledgeable and adaptable, including ship types, legislation, documentation, inspections, insurance, budgeting, emergency response and personal issues, such as teamwork, effective communication and fatigue.
The focus is as much on the people who manage ships as the thoery and practice of ship management; people are the most important asset of any organisation. As such, the book asks the reader to look at how things are done and if there is a way to improve. It is highly recommended for professionals in the marine industry to review where they are and where they want to be.
Capt. John W. Dickie is Secretary General of International Federation of Shipmansters' Associations, Course Director for the Diploma in Ship Management (LMA) and Certificate in Maritime Safety Management (LMA). He is also Managing Director of Joint Development Associates Ltd, a consultancy company specialising in maritime education and training.
This book addresses the demands of 21st century ship management with the focus of the book as much about the people who manage ships as about the theory and practice of ship management.
Order Capt. John Dickie's book 'Reeds 21st Century Ship Management' byclicking here