Wednesday, June 10, 2015

MPA: Day of the Seafarer 2015

In International Shipping News 10/06/2015

The day of the seafarer is an official United Nations international observance day held every year on the 25 June. Organised by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with an aim to reach millions of people worldwide.
This year’s campaign aims to inspire young people to consider a career at sea. Seafaring is a viable, attractive and exciting option for those making their career or further-education decisions. However, many may not be aware of such attractive job options.
IMO’s aim of the Day of the Seafarer 2015 is to:
•Engage seafarers themselves to inform about (and s hare photos of) their life at sea and be ambassadors for their own industry.
•Promoting the materials gathered from seafarers with the aim of reaching the general global population and inspiring them to consider a career at sea
•Raising awareness of seafarers and their importance to the global
economy to the general public

The following are ways which the maritime industry can be involved:
•If you are a seafarer or working in the maritime industry, tweet using the hashtag #CareerAtSea
•If you are a considering a career at sea or enrolled in a martime programme – tweet using the hashtag #CareerAtSea or post your photo at the IMO photo wall. Website address will be announced soon.
•If you are an employer of seafarers, to show appre ciation to seafarers under your employment and also encourage seafarers under your employment to participate by bringing th is circular to their attention.

5 Examples of the above-mentioned tweets and postings can be found here
Source: MPA