26 Aug 13 - 12:13
ACEP to organise a flexible container inspection scheme
ACEP allows the owners of containers to organise a more flexible container technical inspection scheme which allows avoiding container withdrawal from the transport process in strictly defined intervals. The tool is foreseen by the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) as a container inspection scheme along with Periodical Examination Programme.
While ACEP have been widely spread worldwide, until now there has been no unified approach to the development, review and approval of such programmes, which in fact contributed to free interpretation of the CSC provisions. Yet, there is no consolidated list of such АСЕР programmes, whereby it is difficult to monitor which of the ACEP programmes are effective, what are the terms of application, etc.
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) as an organisation carrying out container inspections under its authorisation by the Administration, was among those at IMO who took lead in the discussion on the issue. On behalf of the RF Ministry of Transport RS participated in the meetings of the Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC) of IMO, including plenary sessions and working group on the Guidelines drafting as well as in a pilot project to model and maintain a list of ACEP programmes.
The consideration of ACEP programmes list maintenance for general use is included into the agenda of the forthcoming session of DSC Sub-Committee to be held on 16 - 20 September, 2013 in London.
In the container industry RS has performed its activities since 1973. RS activities cover all stages of the container production cycle. RS cooperates with the majority of companies from Russia, CIS coun-tries and Baltic states dealing with design, manufacture, testing, transportation and operation of containers. RS represents Bureau International des Containers (BIC) at the former USSR territory, is a full-member of the International Tank Container Organization (ITCO), participates in the development of the regulatory base on containers within the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) and GOST R Technical Committee "Containers". RS performs container examination as per Periodical Examination Programme and also carries out its activities according to АСЕР programmes in compliance with the latest requirements. |