30 Jul 13 - 15:07
The health and safety of its workforce is the top priority for Maersk Oil Qatar
Environment - By working in close partnership with QP, Maersk Oil Qatar has reduced flaring from the Al Shaheen field by around 92% since 2007 - earning both parties an 'Excellence in flare reduction' award from the World Bank in 2012. This significant flaring reduction has also helped Maersk Oil Qatar cut greenhouse emissions from its operations, which are now at less than 50% of 2007 levels.
Health and Safety - The health and safety of its workforce is the top priority for Maersk Oil Qatar. The company recorded its best-ever safety performance in 2012, and although employees and contractors worked a total of 7.5 million work hours, there were no fatalities and a lost-time injury frequency (LTIF) rate of 0.27 per million work hours was achieved - significantly lower than the industry average of 0.48.
Health and Safety - The health and safety of its workforce is the top priority for Maersk Oil Qatar. The company recorded its best-ever safety performance in 2012, and although employees and contractors worked a total of 7.5 million work hours, there were no fatalities and a lost-time injury frequency (LTIF) rate of 0.27 per million work hours was achieved - significantly lower than the industry average of 0.48.
"We are committed to operate an 'Incident-free' business where safety is our number one priority," explained Mr Lewis Affleck, Managing Director of Maersk Oil Qatar. "In April, we brought together over 1,000 employees and contractors to participate in a company-wide safety day. While we are proud that our safety performance shows year-on-year improvements, safety is and will remain our highest priority," he said.
Read more highlights of the 2012 Sustainability Report at AMEinfo.com