01 Jul 13 - 12:11
European Commission proposes new regulation on CO2 emissions from ships
Nevertheless, the draft Regulation requires approval by the European Parliament and Council in order to become law.
The proposal will create an EU-wide legal framework for collecting and publishing verified annual data on CO2 emissions from all large ships (over 5 000 gross tons) that use EU ports, irrespective of where the ships are registered.
Ship owners will have to monitor and report the verified amount of CO2 emitted by their large ships on voyages to, from and between EU ports. Owners will also be required to provide certain other information, such as data to determine the ships' energy efficiency.
A document of compliance issued by an independent verifier will have to be carried on board ships and will be subject to inspection by Member State authorities. It is proposed that the rules apply from 1 January 2018.
The strategy, which is set out in the Communication consists of three consecutive steps:
(1) the system of MRV of emissions,
(2) the setting of GHG reduction targets for the maritime transport sector, and
(3) the application of further measures, including market-based measures (MBMs), in the medium to long term.
Furthermore, priority is given to the establishment of an MRV system because it is necessary for the other two steps. It is a prerequisite for setting both emission reduction targets and for any market-based measure or efficiency standard, whether applied at EU level or globally.
Source: ESPO